
Friday, December 3, 2021

My Kiwi Innovator

         Taste The 

    Chocolate Clouds

Hi blogger

This week we are doing Kiwi Innovator and try to sell it to the Shark Tank ( My teachers ) My one is about that we should make cotton candy bunny chocolates. So the colour will rainbow and it well taste like cotton candy. So the name of the candy is called rainbow chocolate and the company is called Taste The Chocolate Clouds.

I challenge you to make your own company.

Good luck! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

My speech

 Hi bloggers this week I finished my speech it is called...

                                                Is gaming good or bad 

1st thing. Gaming keeps your kids entertained so adults  can do their work.

2nd thing. Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun.

3rd thing Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.)

4rd thing.A growing body of research is showing the flip side, though – video games can help people see better, learn more

5rd thing.Yes, real research from credible sources has shown that playing video games actually does have health benefits.

Friday, November 5, 2021

All about oil spills

 Hi Bloggers,

This week I did a piece of writing about how to care for planet earth. I think I did a good job about explaining oil spills. Enjoy my writing below!

I will tell you all about oil spills and how it kills sea animals. Oil spills look like a big black hole killing everything in its way like sea animals. Oil spill go in the ocean by big boats and if there is a hole in the boat it can let oil come out and that is how you get a oil spill.I will tell you how you can stop oil spills. First thing, start making big sponges that can soak up all of the oil spills and then we can start to live a safe life in 2022. In 2022 we should start to make boats that go electric and water proof. Instead of using oil we could recycle plastic bottles and make petrol with them.

Then we can live a healthier life for us and our children and for our mums and dads and its impact on the planet.

How can you make an impact on the planet?

Friday, October 1, 2021

Is gaming good or bad?

Hi today I am going to tell you if gaming is good or bad. In Literacy we have been learning about persuasive writing. These are my notes.

1st thing. Gaming keeps your kids entertained and you can do your work with out your kids interrupting you.

2nd thing. Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun.

3rd thing.Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.)

4rd thing. Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.)

5th thing. Yes, real research from credible sources has shown that playing video games actually does have health benefits.

What do you prefer, gaming or Youtube?

Friday, September 24, 2021


Hi bloggers

Welcome back to my blog this week in my class we are trying to get you guys to choose organic instead of GMOs this is why.

You should choose organic because organic is super healthy and it does not add chemicals and fertilisers. I believe Organic is the way to go.

Chemical and Fertilisers
On farms do not use chemical and fertilisers on their fruit and vegetables. So they can grow naturally and you can be healthy.

Why is Organic good for the earth?
The chemicals don't go into the water and the water when be clean and you can swim and it when be ok to drink out of.

Friday, September 3, 2021

All about Organic vs GMOS

 Hi bloggs

Tobday I were tell you about Organic and GMOs 


GMOs are bad for the earth this is why? The main concerns around GMOs involve allergies, cancer, and environmental issues all of which may affect the consumer. While current research suggests few risks, more long-term research in needed.


Organic is good for the earth here is why? Organic practices help keep our water supply clean run-off from toxic and persistent chemical. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

On line learning

Hi my name is Aliana and I am fairly new to Marshland School. I am going to tell you about how we learn on-line during lockdown. 

1. Zoom calls

In the morning at 9:30 I have a zoom call with my teacher and my classmates. My teacher tells us what we are supposed to do and if we have any questions then we can ask her. When we have  done all of the work we can do some arts and crafts.


We all have our own blogs to share our learning. Sometimes we do Blogs and we also have to comment on another person's work. The comments have to be Positive, Helpful and Thoughtful.

3. Writing

In the mornings we do 10 minutes of free writing from a slide on our hub. The writing is done using Google Docs. 

Question - What do you do when you learn from home?